If you are a property owner and/or a resident of Lake Land 'Or and this is your first visit to our site please click the login link to register. Please fill out the profile page with as much information as you are comfortable with providing. You must fill out at least your name, address (to include lot number) and email so we can verify your eligibility to enter the members section. All information you provide will be kept confidential.
If you are simply visiting, we hope you will consider becoming our neighbor. Check out our about us page to see all that we have to offer. Our contact page is available to ask any questions you may have about our community.
Feel free to let us know what we can do to improve our website.
Administration Office Phone # 804-448-3990
Address: 555 Welsh Drive, Ruther Glen VA 22546
Office Hours: M-F 8:00am - 4:30pm
 **We are closed from 12:00p-12:30pm for Lunch**
Resale Certificate requests can now be ordered through Homewise at https://www.homewisedocs.com.
For any Questions, please contact the Administration Office at 804-448-3990 or email llpoa@lakelandor.org. 
Please see below the list of events or meetings:
February 5  Long Range Planning 6 PM
February 6  Standards & Rules 6 PM
February 8 Boating Safety Class 9 AM
February 9  Chili Cook Off  1 PM
February 10  CAC  6 PM
February 12  BOD Work Session 6 PM
February 14  Safety & Security 5 PM
February 22 Paint & Sip 8 AM @ HCH
February 25  CHC  6 PM
February 26  BOD Meeting  6 PM